Brushless Gimbal Controll newest 32-bit Generation.
This board is to controll 3Axis brushless Camera Gimbals.
The Board is designed to work with 3S-6S
We have used special drivers, from our own development, to controll the Motor, that helps to keep te mosfet cool during high current, this Board is really suited for Big Motors.
It is possible to use 3A for each Motoroutput.
The used Fets we used offering a good safety margin.
Directly integrated onboard is the Frame Imu which allow you a higher precision.
If a “above yaw imu” is needed, this is still easily possible, if there is any need as the “below yaw imu” is directly onboard and serves you with a perfect behaviour without any drift on the most important axis by factory default allready, no extra wires or setup is needed, exept the software setup of the sensor.
To configure the board you only need the USB Port and the Basecam Software (Windows, OSX, Linux)
which you can find here:
Updates can be found here:
Or you can use a bluetooth module on the UART Port.
Technical details:
Voltage: 3S-6S
Currant for each motor: 3A (thanks to our own high effective driver concept, this board is able to deliver much more then the standard boards on the motor outputs, the Fets itself on our board are rated 30A for each output)
board dimensions: 50×50
Hole spacing: 45×45
product contens:
– 32bit 3axis Board
– MPU6050(Sensor), plus incl. onboard 6050 as frame IMU reference
– I2C cable for Sensor
– Basecam Software Licence